Monday, December 7, 2009

Thoughtful in winter

December is a beautiful month. I like the winter season here; especially the afternoons when I can spend hours on end, planted on a chair on the roof, eating oranges in the pleasant sunshine, or the cosy nights, cuddled up in the warmth of the quilt. In our younger days, we used to exchange Christmas cards and share cakes back at school, things I fondly recall at times. Another thing I miss these days is wearing the blazer to school; how I used to dress up smart and handsome! I always abhor getting up early on winter mornings, and now that the exams are over, I can sleep for longer periods of time.

Exams always arouse a mixed bag of feelings in me. It's true there are extra efforts put in, reduced recreations, the tension of purpose, yet the feeling that I have the luxury of suspending all other jobs and worries apart from studying somehow manages to allay the butterflies in my tummy that exams usually tend to give rise to. When I was young, I used to faithfully abide by the restraints that used to be placed on my actions during exam-time- "not much TV, not many cartoons; finish your exams well, then you can do as you like...don't play for long;what if you get hurt? " !! Years later, I haven't changed much, except that I have learnt to focus better and my resolve has grown stronger.

Now idling away on a lazy afternoon in the post-exam holidays, this innate resolve tells me that my challenges are far from over. Having reached the business end of my graduation course, fresh tasks await, and it is their successful completion that will eventually shape my academic and professional career. Now is the time, not to drop anchor, but to continue sailing in the proper direction. The mind and body need rest though, and some nice relaxing time at home is the perfect way to prepare a plan of action.

Winter season in college life hasn't been short on fun so far. I have wonderful memories of two college winters behind me...four very beautiful months. The cricket matches with my fellowmates are a standout- having scored four consecutive ducks in my first year, I plan to score a few runs this season :)

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